At Le Phare, we value many things as we strive for excellence.
- The individual instructional, emotional, physical, and social needs of the child as the driving force of all decisions
- A commitment to safety, equity and inclusivity and having all of our students’ voices, stories, and identities heard and reflected in the classroom and in our school.
- Giving the child opportunities for success in becoming a life-long, self-directed learner
- Education as a co-operative effort among educators, parents, and learners
- Instructional times as essential to learning
- Risk-taking, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration
- Developing a positive self-concept and emotional well-being
- Integrity and respect for self, others and the environment
- Open channels of communication between the school, parents and the community
- Self-discipline as vital to responsible behaviour and academic achievement
- Creating fun and engaging activities and learning opportunities
- Happy children who want to come to school each day
We believe that we can more easily achieve our goals with kindness, empathy, a growth mindset and teamwork. We will continue to align our school priorities with our district's Strategic Plan and focus on accessible pathways for all students, Truth and Reconciliation, early reading, equity, human rights and anti-oppression, and community engagement. We strive to create a safe and caring space for all of our students. This year, our School Learning Plan will be focused on literacy: early screening, reading interventions, accommodations, and a structured literacy approach.
Finally a strong partnership between the school and home is a priority. Research clearly shows that students whose parents take an active role in their child's education are most likely to succeed. We look forward to working with you in order to help your children become the best version of themselves.
Sheila Hodges,